User Reactions, Disseminaton, ...

Inquiries and comments

We receive roughly two inquiries per month from enterprises looking for solutions of special cleaning problems. We give advice by naming processes in our database or in other information systems or we refer to certain contacts. For more complex inquiries we offer a comprehensive research.

We also receive inquiries from plant and agent producers, who would like to have some of their exemplary processes put into our database. This is possible in principal, if an evaluation of the applying company is available or can be made available and if our advisory board has no objections.

Comments regarding our database or our website we receive usually during lectures, workshops or in talks with our advisory board members and other specialists. Besides many suggestions for improvement, which are put into practice whereever possible, we also receive credit for our comprehensive project approach and the presentation of innovative cleaning processes.

A major update of the database has taken place in April 2006. The website will be given a new design by the end of 2007 to make it still more user friendly.


Currently we have approximately 1000 visitors per work day with a steadily increasing tendency. For current monthly figures check our home page.

Cleantool conferencia international

On the 10th of November 2003 the "International Conference on Metal Surface Cleaning Processes - Optimization and Assessment" was organized in Hamburg.
Here you get the procedings in pdf-format (11 MB) ... >>
Further information ... >>


We have explained the project in numerous professional meetings regarding the technical, OSH and environmental area. We are always ready to attend more events and represent our work.

Publications, press

In Germany a first press release was published by the Staatliche Pressestelle der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg in August 2001 under the heading:
"EU-Projekt für umweltfreundliche Metallreinigung - Kooperationsstelle der Wissenschaftsbehörde erarbeitet EU-weiten Datenpool"

On the occasion of making the database publicly accessible another press release was issued in March 2004
[doc-format: 1.2 MB]

Publications/Interviews by media:

JOT (Journal Surface Technology), 10/2001
"Gesund und Sicher" magazine of the German BG, 12/2001 und 6/2002
"Die Welt", 8.8.2001
"Morgenpost", 22.8.2001
NDR (Northern German Broadcasting Corp.), short report, Agust 2001
Cordis, "Innovation & Technology Transfer" 03/2002
Deutschlandfunk (German Broadcasting Corp.), 7.12.2002, Interview with Katariina Röbbelen
Cordis, "Innovation & Technology Transfer" 02/2003
"CleanTech" (US American metal surface cleaning magazine), 04/2003
"besser lackieren", 2004
HWT, 2005

Project Information:

Flyers were published in all project languages (English, Spanish, Greek, Estonian, Iclandic and German) and in Russian. They can be ordered also in larger quantities.

Explanations on the use of the database and the evaluation tool are given in a flyer:
[pdf, 200 kB]

Folleto explicativo (en castellano)  [doc: 325 kB]

Poster ingles
[pdf: 4,5 MB]

Poster Base de Datos Cleantool (en castellano)  [jpg: 775 kB]   

Materiales de apoyo

Evaluación de riesgos laborales >>
Etiquetado >>
Los costes en la limpiezas de superficies metálicas >>

Last updated by Klaus Kuhl, 29.9.2007