Laws, Regulations, Standards, regarding all Typs of Cleaning Methods

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All Euopean legislation can be found in the "EUR-Lex" database. It is possible to search for specific directives, to follow the analytical structure or to check the alphabetical index. Most documents are also available as consolidated versions, i.e. later amendments, corrections etc. are incorporated into one although non-official document.

Laws, Regulations

Equipment, Plants:
CE marking
Council Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993
Directive of machinery
Directive 98/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to machinery
Use of work equipment
Council Directive 89/655/EEC of 30 November 1989 concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work (2nd individual Directive within Directive 89/391/EEC)
Explosive atmospheres
Directive 94/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 March 1994 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
Protection of workers against explosive atmospheres
Directive 1999/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1999 on minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres (15th individual Directive within Directive 89/391/EEC)
Labelling of equipment
Council Directive 92/58/EEC of 24 June 1992 on the minimum requirements for the provision of safety and/or health signs at work (9th individual Directive within Directive 89/391/EEC)

Environmental noise
Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise - Declaration by the Commission in the Conciliation Committee on the Directive relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise
Computation methods for industrial etc. noise
Commission Recommendation of 6 August 2003 concerning the guidelines on the revised interim computation methods for industrial noise, aircraft noise, road traffic noise and railway noise, and related emission data
Noise outdoor equipment

Directive 2000/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 May 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors
Risks from noise
Directive 2003/10/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 February 2003 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (noise) (17th individual Directive within Directive 89/391/EEC)
Hazards from vibrations
Directive 2002/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (vibration) (16th individual Directive within Directive 89/391/EEC)

Hazardous Substances:
Classification of dangerous substances
Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances
Classification of dangerous preparations (consolidated version)
Directive 1999/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 1999 concerning the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations
VOC-Directive (consolidated version)
Council Directive 1999/13/EC of 11 March 1999 on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain activities and installations
On 29 October 2003, the EU Commission adopted a proposal for a new EU regulatory framework for chemicals.
The proposed new system is called REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals).

TRGS 900
German: Technische Regeln für Gefahrstoffe, Grenzwerte in der Luft am Arbeitsplatz "Luftgrenzwerte"
TRGS 901
German: Begründungen und Erläuterungen zu Grenzwerten in der Luft am Arbeitsplatz
TRGS 507
German: Oberflächenbehandlung in Räumen und Behältern
Weitere wichtige TRGS
German: Technische Richtkonzentrationen für gefährliche Stoffe (102), Ermittlung und Beurteilung der Konzentrationen gefährlicher Stoffe in der Luft in Arbeitsbereichen (402), Bewertung von Stoffgemischen in der Luft am Arbeitsplatz (403), Ermittlungspflichten (440), Schutzmaßnahmen: Mindeststandards (500), Lagern sehr giftiger und giftiger Stoffe in Verpackungen und ortsbeweglichen Behältern (514), Lagern brandfördernder Stoffe in Verpackungen und ortsbeweglichen Behältern (515), Gefährdung durch Hautkontakt - Ermittlung, Beurteilung, Maßnahmen (401), Betriebsanweisung und Unterweisung nach § 20 GefStoffV (555)

German: Verordnung über die hygienischen Anforderungen an Fischereierzeugnisse und lebende Muscheln
German: Fleischhygienegesetz
German: Geflügelfleischhygienegesetz

Occpational Health and Safety:
Safety and health at work
Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work

PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) directive
Council Directive 89/686/EEC of 21 December 1989 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to personal protective equipment
Manual handling of loads
Council Directive 90/269/EEC of 29 May 1990 on the minimum health and safety requirements for the manual handling of loads where there is a risk particularly of back injury to workers (4th individual Directive within Directive 89/391/EEC)
Work places
Council Directive 89/654/EEC of 30 November 1989 concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the workplace (first individual directive within Directive 89/391/EEC)
Building sites
Council Directive 92/57/EEC of 24 June 1992 on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites (8th individual Directive within Directive 89/391/EEC)
Work in mines
Council Directive 92/104/EEC of 3 December 1992 on the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in surface and underground mineral-extracting industries (12th individual Directive within Directive 89/391/EEC)
Work on board of fishing vessels
Council Directive 93/103/EC of 23 November 1993 concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for work on board fishing vessels (13th individual Directive within Directive 89/391/EEC)

German: Gesetz über Betriebsärzte, Sicherheitsingenieure und andere Fachkräfte für Arbeitssicherheit
German: Siebtes Buch Sozialgesetzbuch - Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (Artikel 1 des Gesetzes zur Einordnung des Rechts der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung in das Sozialgesetzbuch)

Waste key code
2000/532/EC: Commission Decision of 3 May 2000 replacing Decision 94/3/EC establishing a list of wastes pursuant to Article 1(a) of Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste and Council Decision 94/904/EC establishing a list of hazardous waste pursuant to Article 1(4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste (notified under document number C(2000) 1147) (Text with EEA relevance)
Waste Incineration Directive
Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 December 2000 on the incineration of waste
Waste oils
Council Directive 75/439/EEC of 16 June 1975 on the disposal of waste oils

German: PCB/PCT-Abfallverordnung

Water Framework Directive (consolidated version)
Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy
Groundwater Protection Directive (consolidated version)
Council Directive 80/68/EEC of 17 December 1979 on the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances
Directive urban waste-water treatment (consolidated version)
Council Directive 91/271/EEC of 21 May 1991 concerning urban waste-water treatment
VwVwS (pdf)
German Administrative Regulation on the Classification of Substances Hazardous to Waters into Water Hazard Classes - also called Water Pollution Classes (VwVwS, 17.5.1999)


German: Energiesparverordnung
German: Bundesbodenschutzgesetz
EMAS (consolidated)
Regulation (EC) No 761/2001 of the European parliament and of the council of 19 March 2001 allowing voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)
Council Directive 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control
Assessment of effects on the environment
Council Directive 97/11/EC of 3 March 1997 amending Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment
Environmental liability
Directive 2004/35/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage.
This has to be transformed into national law by April 2007


An overview can be found at "Bauteilreinigung" under (German):

pr EN 12921 Draft on cleaning plants
EN 1829 High pressure cleaning equipment, high pressure water blast equipment
EN 1248 Blasting equipment
EN 1127-1: Explosive atmosphere; explosion protection; basics and methodology

Regulations, Rules, Infos from German Berufsgenossenschaften

The links from the German statutory accident insurance (Berufsgenossenschaft) lead to a database-search interface. Enter the required identification or title. You can then view or download the document in pdf-format.

BGR 500
Betreiben von Arbeitsmitteln
BGR 180
Richtlinien für Einrichtungen zum Reinigen von Werkstücken mit Lösemitteln
Vorbeugender Brandschutz (Info-Karten)
BGR 132
Vermeidung von Zündgefahren infolge elektrostatischer Aufladungen, (bisher ZH 1/200)
BGI 552
Sicherheitslehrbrief für Galvaniseure, (bisher ZH 1/100)
BGI 543
Sicherheitslehrbrief für Schleifer
BG Vorschrift Lärm, (bisher VBG 121)
Lärm Beurteilungspegel Berechnung nach BGV B3
BGI 688
Lärm am Arbeitsplatz in der Metall-Industrie (bisher ZH 1/581)


Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen, (bisher VBG 91)

BGI 564
Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen – Für die Beschäftigten (bisher ZH 1/118)
BGI 546
Sicherheitslehrbrief Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen (bisher ZH 1/93)

Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzkennzeichnung am Arbeitsplatz (bisher VBG 125)
Abwassertechnische Anlagen (bisher VBG 54)
BGI 874
Reinigen von Behältern (bisher ZH 1/79)
BGR 117
Arbeiten in Behältern und engen Räumen (bisher ZH 1/77)

Last updated by Klaus Kuhl, 9.9.2006